Military Injustices Blog
Welcome to Military Injustices. This blog will be about military injustices that are done every single day to our active duty service members and their families. Injustices happen in many forms and is rampant in our Armed Services. All branches of the military have corruption within their ranks. That is what this blog is about. I want to expose toxic abusive leadership abusive power, sexual abuse, harassment of any kind, retaliation and reprisal. By exposing the corrupt ways, maybe things can finally change.
I will be featuring families who have lost loved ones with their permission, of course. I will be telling their stories and their fights for justice for their service member. I will be informing you, the public, what injustices they have learned that their loved one endured. I will be telling their own injustices with the aftermath of their loved one’s death
I will be talking about the injustices that have occurred from the very entities that are supposed to be fair and unbiased. Entities that include the Navy Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), since the Marines are under the Navy, they too use NCIS, the Army Criminal Investigative Department Command (CID) and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI). Injustices that occur within these entities are the worse kind because they are the very ones who we should be able to trust. We need to trust that these entities will conduct a fair, accurate, thorough and unbiased investigation into all matters that surround a death or complaint.
The cases I will be sharing will shock you to your very core. You will be asking yourself how can this happen. You will not believe what you are reading because there is no way this really happened. You will be baffled when you read what has happened to these families and when you think it can’t get any worse, you would be wrong.