Field Talk – Against Urban Issues – Ep2 of 2
The Brandon Act
The Brandon Act will allow the men and women who serve in the United States of America’s Armed Forces to get help without retaliation whatsoever from anyone in their commands and will hold people accountable for their actions, if it is deemed necessary. It will allow them to get counseling for any issues they may have from bullying to sexual/mental/ domestic abuse among many other issues. With “The Brandon Act” in place, we hope to completely eliminate suicides in the Armed Forces.
Brandon Caserta was one of 325 active duty service members who died by suicide in 2018, and one of 68 sailors, according to military data. Less than half, or 44.6%, of troops who died by suicide that year had a documented behavioral health diagnosis, according to a report the Pentagon released in April.
Brandon Caserta died by suicide on June 25, 2018 at the age of 21. The command investigation into his death found that “belligerence, vulgarity and brash leadership” contributed to Caserta’s decision to end his own life.
The goal of the Brandon Act is to create a pathway for service members to seek mental health evaluations in confidence, without disclosing to their command.
“We may not be able to eliminate suicide among military soldiers (both active and non-active), but we can definitely lower the number by eliminating the parasites that prey on other soldiers; causing them.” – Dr Aaron Bryant